More Riddles!
After the Root Beer Challenge, the Thursday Area Class this week decided that we LOVE solving riddles and would enjoy doing MORE!!! If you check out the link below, I found a site with lots of riddles to try (and answers, if you really need them!). In your comments, please share your favorites, ask questions, or make suggestions of riddles you know.
Go Riddlers!!
Ms. Watt,( or anyone) i've got a riddle for you.
there is a man at home, and there is a man who wants to come home. the amn who wants to come home is scared of the man at home, because the man at home is wearing a mask. Who are these men?
You can ask me any yes or no questions about the riddle
(A message from Ms Watt: figuresk8er - I hope it's ok that I copied this here - it seemed like a great start to this post - thanks!)
I got it (or rather my dad did)
Seriously though, don't you actually have to understand the sport to get the riddle?
(I don't play it at all)
Here's another riddle:
Alive without breath,
As cold as death,
Always thirsty, ever drinking,
All in mail but never clinking.
What am I?
Anyone who's read The Hobbit will get this one. Can anyone else guess the answer?
A river? I haven't read the Hobbit (urk, sorta long-even though I've read the Order of the Phoenix...) so I'm just guessing.
Yay! It's a snow day!
Like they say,
March comes in like a lion,
And goes out like a lamb. ^-^
-Snorlax ~.~
Darn it! I miss music class today.
Our music teacher's pretty cool.
You see,
on special days,
she will let us
endlessly with the
musical instruments.
You also get
coordinated by the teacher
on how to play the instrument.
Don't you think that
everyone should play a musical intrument
^_^ Snorlax. (No, there is nothing wrong with the way I type.)
No, not a river, but you're close with the water thing! Keep trying!
WOO SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!
So happy :-)
I've got it! Well I should say my son and I have it. He explained the 'mail' thing to me! We've both read the hobbit but didn't really remember the answer!
Happy riddling. Happy snow day!
yup i got it too. ya i suppose it helps if you've read the hobbit. Speaking of which, here's another one from the hobbit:
Thirty white horses on a red hill,
First they champ,
Then they stamp,
Then they stand still.
Sorry I didn't message before my interenet wasn't working. argh rogers!! :)
Here's another....
I tear down mountains
I build castles
I make some people blind
And others see.
What am I?
Make some people blind and others see? Tear down mountains?? Want kind of monster is this?lol
I'm clueless. I'm thinking, like, glass, or a sort of stone?
Ooo, snorlax, you're very close.....
I got a snowday too!! Hurray!!!
Hey qazwsx123174, if you get a note from your parents that gives you permission, we can go to Tim Hortons at lunch, then we would hardly have to go outside.
On thurs aft, it took an hour and a half to get home!!
For anyone who loves Harry Potter, like me, do you think that harry potter will die in the 7th book, or do you think that voldemort will be finished off for good? ( i think that it has to either be one or the other, or both.)
Darn...I was close...I'm thinking sand?
And, urr, what's this note about Tim Horton's I'm missing?
Snorlax- /¤-¤\
Oh, figure sk8er, I think they both will die in some big bad duel.
Hard to say. I think if Harry survives, he'll go back to Hogwarts and be the Defence against the dark arts teacher. Also did you ever think R.A.B. might be Regalus Black? You know in the 5th book it mentions when they were cleaning out Grimmauld place they found a 'large, heavy locket that none of them could open'. Very curious.
By the way scorpion, I know the answer to the riddle (but I've read the Hobbit many times).
Ms. Watts riddle: Mirror maybe?
I got some awesome chocolate down at this store in St. Jacobs. Fair Trade organic dark chocolate with orange and spices. Yum.
Ms Watt's riddle: Water, or maybe the sun?
Guys this has nothing to do with what everyone's talking about, but I was on this site in the 'random site section' and it was talking about strange clouds and stuff, and someone claimed to have seen a ufo sort of object. In relation to that, a couple of years ago my whole family was outside one night stargazing. Suddenly 2 ufo looking things zigzagged and zoomed by until they were out of sight. We were quite amazed but we weren't quick enough to get any pictures. They were orange balls and they each had an orange ring around them. They looked like small planets but they were moving REALLY quick. When I tell other people they don't believe me. Do you guys have any ideas on what they could have been?
Buzz Lightyear going off course? Lol, I'm only kidding, but seriously, I haven't got a clue what it could've been. That's sorta...creepy though...
Snorlax ^…^
Yay! We're back into my specialty! I really don't like math riddles, but I'm OK at this kind. This is a joke as well as a riddle, so here goes (it's kind of stupid): a guy walks into a bar and get's seriously hurt , but nobody hit him or anything. How did he get hurt? By the way, I totally agree with you Zenracer, now that I think about it, your prediction about Slytherin's Locket and R.A.B. is amazing! Also Scorpion, I have three guesses as to what the orange balls you saw were. First, they could have been weird stars or comets or asteroids burning up on entry of an atmosphere, or any other space phenomena. Second, they could have been satellites. Third, you and your family just saw a flashing orange light in the corner of your eye and misinterpreted it (no offense).
For Ms. Watt's riddle, a laser? (Only kidding!).
scorpion, maybe they were fireflies? Could have been laser pointers too..
lol nice one masteryoda. I got it though he walks into a BAR and gets hurt.
Thanx masteryoda, that was from me and a friend of mine.
By the way, I know the answer to your riddle. That's a really old joke.
Scorpion, I have no idea what you could have seen. Just another one of life's mysteries.
On Harry Potter, how many people think Snape is good?
Scorpion, do you realize we published the last 2 comments at exactly the same time????
ya we must have used accidental telepathy somehow and commented at the same time. :)
Iv'e got Mrs. Watts riddle!it starts with a "T" and ands with an "E".
I have a Book af riddle answers.
Here's another riddle.
"You're in a room with four walls,a ceiling, and a floor.There is a table, and a mirror.there are no loop holes in this riddle." how do you get out?
I got it. Look in the mirror and see what you saw, use the saw to cut the table in two halves, put the two halves together to make a whole, then climb out through the whole/hole.
P.S. I cheated to get the answer because I couldn't get it, so I know that there's other ways to solve this riddle.
i got ms.watts 1 i want to say it but i dont wana ruin it for u ppl so have fun tryin to get it
o ya it wasnt me who got it it was my bro well he helped me lol
Wow, the 4 walls one I've known since Grade 3. Lol.
Amanda loved tennis.
It was her favourite game.
Amanda loved tennis.
What is her last name.
??? Snorlax (=_=)
Snape is bad!!He was so w/ voldemort all along, and the times when he saved harry he was just doing it cuz he knew that voldemort would want the pleasure of killing him himself.
Who's on first.
I don't know's on third.
And Amanda's on second.
Am I right????
Hey, did anyone else get sent home yesterday(Monday) or goet a snowday today!!? I did!!!
Yay! I love solving these riddles :).
My music teacher is the best, are school owns so many instruments. I play the clarinet and bass clarinet. Anyone else play?
You got a snow day on monday? Lucky you. Today was jr. acheivement day so these people came and talked to us about budgeting and getting a job. It was kinda fun. Scorpion, what was your monthly spending total? Mine was $1412.50
I - ahem - attempt to play brass, like the trumpet, I just don't have a good embouchure...
And I'm alllll mixed up when it comes to these riddles .:o_O:.
Snorlax ()_()
I think i got the answer to Ms watt's riddle!
Ms. Watt, is your comment the answer to Snorlax's riddle or a totally separate riddle? I only ask because it mentions the person from Snorlax's riddle. About Harry Potter, anybody whose ever read the sixth book (Half-Blood Prince)knows that Snape is an evil person without the slightest trace of good in him. HE KILLED DUMBLEDORE!!!!!!!!!!
My comment contains the answer. Mmmmm.....
And about Snape....I think there is still a mystery to be revealed about him......when Dumbledore was killed, it all seemd too obvious to me....I think we have more to learn....
Snorlax- Heh... LOL, I know what you meen. I started out this year playing a brass instrument. Same thing happened to me. That's why I switched to clarinet.
Forget it, masteryoda, Snape is DEFINETLY still good. I agree with Ms. Watt, there are many mysteries to be revealed in the 7th book. Besides, old heros have to make way for the new and Dumbledore obviously new what he was doing, trusting Snape. If I were Dumbledore, I would know Snape would be the ultimate double- agent ally if Snape was willing to go over to his side. It's possible that Dumbledore just wanted to die because he knew, according to the prophecy, only Harry could destroy Voldemort. He knew that if he was still alive, he'd just be holding Harry back. If you were a young hero, would you go after the big, bad guy if there was an older, more powerful and experienced wizard out protecting you???
I play french horn at school, and violin privately.
And about Snape, I think that something is going to happen to him in the 7th book, maybe he will be killed or something.
We'll see about that.
Ms. Watt, we're supposed to read all the web pages (as wel as our parents) and say what we think about them, right?
Ya I had to change my budget a few times actually, zenracer. At first it was at $1390.00. But then I realized that our job was a NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER!! All we earned for the gross pay was $1000.00, and the net pay was $761.69!Anyways, I managed to adjust my budget to $990.00, and then to $615.00. But that took a lot of adjusting, and even then I was only about $100 in surplus (I think some of my "adjusting" wasn't too realistic).Oh well, it was pretty fun though. In the end I decided to live in a cardboard box on the street, wear cardboard boxes, and eat cardboard boxes.:)
Lol Scorion, I got the nanny job too. I decided I was gonna find a new job.
Masteryoda: What do you mean by "We'll see about that"?
I meant that we'll see who's prediction is right when the 7th Harry Potter book comes out.
I don't know how some of you guys can still think that Snape is good. HE KILLED DUMBLEDORE!!:( well maybe it will turn out that he was brain washed or something. But still, Snape decided to go back to Voldemort in the fourth book and he didn't have to, it was his choice. Obviously he still wants to be on the dark side with Voldemort.
Snape is evil. There's no way he was under the imperius curse when he killed Dumbledore. Remember how he made the unbreakable oath to Narcissa Malfoy at the beginning of the book?
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