King Lear Characters
Read the story, get to know the characters, then........tell us which characters you find most interesting.
Who is 'good' and who are the villians?
Do any of them change in your opinion?
Why or why not?
Read the story, get to know the characters, then........tell us which characters you find most interesting.
To me, it seem slike the classic story of using someone to get what you want (land) and then betraying them.
If we're not going, do we have to read the story and make connections and the like?
The KIng Lear activities are for those going and anyone else curious.
This is completely off topic, but did you know that today is " World Fair Trade Day" ? It supposedly started in 2005, and it always happens on the 2nd Saturday of May. 256 organizations from 60 different countries support this.
This looks like a very interesting play. I can't wait to go see it!
To me the most interesting character seems like Edgar. I would like to see how this character is protayed in the play.
See you on Tuesday,
Thanks Ms. Watt. Also, I didn't know the twelfth was fair trade day. What is it, exactly?
i went to stratford, and i think that the stage combat workshop and theother workshop were more fun than thhe actual play.
i taught my brother how to do fake kick and punch
I didn't go to King Lear, so I'm sorry I missed the fighting workshop. However, I have a cousin in high school that's taking drama and he taught me how to do the slap and punch. It's a good thing to know for drama in english, and it improved a skit I did not too long ago.
I really liked seeing King Lear. Although it was a bit hard to understand, I liked it. It was my first Shakesperean play :)
My first Shakespeare was 12th Night. Course, it was a comedy instead of a tradgedy so it was a little easier to understand than King Lear. At least, that's what I think.
I enjoyed seeing King Lear and hope to see many more plays at strattford. It was an amazing experience. I'd have to say the character I found most interseting was the "fool". At the beginnig he was funny but got more normal at the end.
NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! McQuarrie's over!! It was agreat year/semester. Now we have to go to school a full 5 days.
I wish that everyone could talk. :(
(HEAVY sigh)
How as the movie party???
I missed it because i had track and field, but my team got second place in tug-o-war! Yeaaah!
You write very well.
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